Simple and Convenient PKI and SSL Certificate Management

ServBay is free and compatible with macOS 12 or later
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ServBay comes with a powerful built-in certificate management system and PKI. With its intuitive graphical interface, you can easily manage various types of certificates, including domain certificates, email encryption certificates, document signing certificates, and code signing certificates. ServBay meets your needs and provides robust security for your development team.

SSL Certificate Management Interface

Built-in PKI System for Comprehensive Certificate Management

ServBay integrates a PKI system, allowing you to conveniently apply for and manage various types of certificates, including:

  • Domain Certificates: Enable HTTPS for your website to ensure secure data transmission.
  • Email Encryption Certificates (S/MIME): Encrypt your emails to protect sensitive information.
  • Document Signing Certificates: Digitally sign documents to ensure their integrity and authenticity.
  • Code Signing Certificates: Sign code to verify its source and integrity, preventing malicious tampering.

Powerful PKI System

ServBay User CA for Convenient Internal Certificate Management

ServBay features the ServBay User CA, allowing you to easily issue and distribute certificates. This is particularly suitable for small to medium development teams, enabling you to establish an internal trust framework without relying on third-party CA organizations.

ServBay User CA Certificate

ACME Requests for Automated Certificate Management

ServBay supports ACME requests for SSL certificates from ZeroSSL, Let's Encrypt, and Google Trust Service, and automatically manages certificate renewals, saving you time and effort by eliminating manual operations.

ACME Certificate Request

High-Strength Key Support for Enhanced Security

ServBay supports certificate issuance with key lengths of up to ECC-521 and RSA-4096, offering stronger security guarantees.

Email Encryption to Protect Sensitive Information

With S/MIME email encryption certificates, you can encrypt and sign emails, ensuring that only intended recipients can read the email content, preventing sensitive information leaks and enhancing communication security.
Email Encryption Certificate

Code Signing for Software Security

Code Signing Certificate
Code signing certificates can verify the identity of software developers and ensure code integrity, preventing malicious tampering. Users can confidently download and run your software, boosting user trust.
ServBay is free and compatible with macOS 12 or later
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